Come on, open it. You know the bottle we’re talking about. The expensive one you bought on vacation in Napa 5 years ago. The one you got as an anniversary present, or from your boss for a job well done, or that you bought for a “special occasion” that never really manifested. Yeah, THAT bottle....Read More
We are proud to announce that Incredible Adventures has found a General Manager! Since our previous GM (Gussy Haun) made the move to grad school in South Carolina in December and transitioned to managing our group contracts, we’ve been on the hunt for the right person to join our team and fill her role. JD...Read More
Q) Do you go to Yosemite year-round? A) Incredible Adventures travels to Yosemite EVERY DAY. Many tour companies around here shut down their Yosemite operations during the snowy winter months, but we’re one of the few that stay operational year ’round! With the exception of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years’ Day (the only 3 days we...Read More
Despite the freakishly warm weather in San Francisco, our summer season at Incredible Adventures is officially at a close! We welcome the shoulder season, as we ease into winter both here in San Francisco, and out on the road in Yosemite National Park and in Wine Country. Our Yosemite 1-Day , Muir Woods and Wine, and Napa & Sonoma Wine...Read More
Climate change is real, and people ARE paying attention. Tomorrow, over a hundred world leaders in many fields (including President Barack Obama) are gathering for a Climate Summit at the UN headquarters in New York to begin work on a global agreement to address climate change. The Climate Summit’s website says “The Climate Summit will be about action...Read More
Being sustainable in this industry is difficult; there’s a lot of waste inherent in travel. One of the major issues we face as a green business is what to do with all of our lightly used (and sometimes more than lightly used) gear. Providing camping trips in Yosemite (and adventurous experiences all over the United States) results...Read More
Bad news for couch-potato drinkers. A new study called “In Vino Veritas” was presented on September 2, 2014 at the ESC Congress by Prof Milos Taborsky of the Czech Republic. This study showed that though wine DOES protect against cardiovascular disease, it only works if you exercise. The theory of heart-healthy wine consumption has been...Read More
Q) Do you pick up at the San Francisco Airport (SFO) or from airport-area hotels? A) Incredible Adventures picks up at nearly every hotel in the city proper: hotels in SOMA, Fisherman’s Wharf, Union Square, the Financial District, the Embarcadero, and Lombard Street are all within our pickup radius! That said, we cannot pick you...Read More
Q. WHAT’S YOUR “FUEL SURCHARGE” ALL ABOUT? WHY DO YOU CHARGE IT? A. Incredible Adventures uses a petroleum-free biofuel fuel. This this isn’t yet common in the industry and isn’t directly influenced by gas prices, but we’re still at the effect of market prices for our fuel, and sometimes even subject to limited supply. The...Read More
Galen Clark was the first designated Guardian of Yosemite. After visiting in 1855 as part of a tourist party (which he joined for health reasons after a diagnosis of tuberculosis), he became inspired by the Giant Sequoia trees in what’s now well-known as Mariposa Grove, and spent his next 50 years studying and protecting the...Read More