Incredible Adventures New Years Resolutions

With 2018 in full swing, everyone is making their resolutions (or maybe still trying to keep them up? #webelieveinyou). We love this time of year because it gives us a chance to reflect back not only on what we’ve accomplished, but what we’ve been able to help our guests accomplish in the new year.

In 2017 we brought thousands of guests to our National Parks, and it never gets old seeing people’s faces when they experience places like Yosemite for the first time. We sipped countless glasses of the best wine and beer in California. We nerded out at Apple, Google, Facebook and the Computer History Museum on our brand new Silicon Valley Tour. We spared the air with our biodiesel transportation. We gave back to communities in need such as Sonoma and Napa Valley. Most of all, we made millions of memories happen for every guest, which is something we are so proud of.

This year we’re focusing a lot on impact, and what it means for us as a company, and as individuals. We believe in leaving the world a better place today than it was yesterday, and as such, here are our biggest resolutions and goals for 2018:

It IS easy being green!

Incredible Adventures runs on renewable biofuels. In order to minimize the environmental impact of our business on the destinations we visit, we operate our vehicles on sustainable, petroleum-free biofuel made from recycled cooking oil and renewable plant-based stocks. However, we’re determined to go even further. From the paper we use in our offices, to the cleaning products we use on our vans, we are always striving to be kinder to the Earth.

This year we will be launching some tips for our partners and customers on how to stay green, that way we can all work together to make the world a better place.

Give back!

Last year we spent several days volunteering to clean up Muir Woods to keep the natural beauty of the park preserved. We want to double up our efforts this year, and open up opportunities to join in the fun for our customers and partners. We have some exciting upcoming opportunities, such as a cleanup of the Marin Headlands in February.

Another way to give back (and score some awesome swag) is by purchasing from our Gear Shop. A portion of the proceeds from these sales will be donated to the Parks Conservancy to beautify and protect our public lands.

Grow our community

Your adventure doesn’t just stop when your tour ends! We are building out a great community of like-minded travelers, so that no matter where you are in the world, Incredible Adventures can connect you. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to constantly get travel inspo and #findyourselfanywhere.

We’re also in the midst of developing an online group in the coming weeks that will provide you with cool travel tips, special deals on Incredible Adventures trips, and a place to connect with new friends. Stay tuned for an email update when our community goes live!

Become global citizens

Incredible Adventures meets people from all over the world every single day, so that’s why we’re starting to expand beyond the USA. We’re now offering tours through the Pacific Northwest and Canada, and we can’t wait to see how much farther we can go!

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