Meet Eileen, Our Incredible Guide

A bearded young man from California posing for a photo during a small group tour in San Francisco.

Eileen Vidales

Tour Guide

Eileen is a native of the Bay Area, then as a child, her family relocated to the countryside in the Central Valley. At a young age, Eileen learned about hiking, setting up camp, shooting, and fishing too.

She has explored all national parks in California, with her favorite being Yosemite. In the fall of 2016, Eileen drastically changed her life by selling all her belongings and traveling solo, backpacking, and hiking with her 50-liter home, through 23 countries.

During the pandemic, she made Mexico her temporary home base, while still traveling to the Bay Area and Latin American countries.

Recently, she began writing her first book about having a mindset of traveling outward and inward. She’s excited about camper-van life in San Francisco, taking people on journeys as a guide, while still connecting with other fellow travelers!