

Galen Clark Guardian of Yosemite

Did You Know? Galen Clark Was First Guardian of The Yosemite Grant

Galen Clark was the first designated Guardian of Yosemite. After visiting in 1855 as part of a tourist party (which he joined for health reasons after a diagnosis of tuberculosis), he became inspired by the Giant Sequoia trees in what’s now well-known as Mariposa Grove, and spent his next 50 years studying and protecting the...
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Eco Friendly Van

Let’s Talk About Greenwashing

GREEN. You’ve seen it in the news, in advertisements, on the television, and in your local stores. With the mainstream media *finally* recognizing the devastating effects of global warming and conscious consumers demanding change, being green is “cool” these days and everyone’s jumping on-board. Corporate “greenwashing” is rampant. You may see the words  “Sustainable”, “Eco-Conscious”,...
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